Ⅰ Introduction10-13
1.1 Research background10-11
1.2 Research questions11-12
1.3 Objective and Significance12-13
Ⅱ Literature Review13-25
2.1 The Definition of Stereotype13-14
2.2 The Widely-accepted Opinions on Stereotypes14-16
2.3 The Importance and Disadvantages of Stereotypes16-18
2.4 Frame theory18-23
2.4.1 The concept of Framing18-19
2.4.2 Framing in Mass Communication Study19-21
2.4.3 Framing and Bias21-23
2.5 Framing Analysis Approach23-24
2.6 Summary of Literature Review24-25
Ⅲ Methodology25-30
3.1 The Analytical Framework25-26
3.2 Data Collection and Samppng26-27
3.3 The Range of Date27
3.4 The Analytical Units27-30
3.4.1 The News Source27-28
3.4.2 The Report Theme28-29
3.4.3 News Title29-30
Ⅳ Finding and Discussion30-40
4.1 Analysis of Report Theme30-35
4.2 Analysis of News Source35-38
4.3 Analysis of News Title38-40
Ⅴ Conclusion40-44
5.1 Summary of the Research Questions40-41
5.2 Imppcations41-43
5.3 Limitation and Suggestions for Further Study43-44