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摘 要:英语课堂教学的导入多种多样,教师可根据不同类型、不同内容的课选择使用不同的导入手段,其目的只有一个:激发学生学习的兴趣,启迪他们的心智,使学生重塑自信,觉得英语课好学、易学,产生兴趣,减少焦虑,达到事半功倍之效。




复习导入法就是通过复习以前学过的知识导入新课,起到温故知新的作用,“温故”是手段,“知新”是目的。例如,在学习Freedom fighters时,可以说:In the last two lessons, we talked about four freedom fighters. They are Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, John Brown and Harriet Tubman. What the four great Persons he in common is that they fought for racial discrimination and equal rights for black people . Then what do you think of the following pictures? Let’s come to Pre-reading,这样通过复习导入,水到渠成,学生易于接受。


例如,在学习The United Sates of America时,可先让学生谈论一下美国的基本情况,包括它的地理位置、首都、国旗、人口、名胜景观以及历史,如美国内战,帮助学生进一步理解课文,从而为后面课文的学习打下基础。


如,在学习Healthy eating时,我们都知道,中国人通常一天三餐,然而事实上人们是严格遵守这一规律的吗?并非如此,现在人们越来越多地用第四甚至第五餐,但这些通常不同于三餐的饮食。教师可以问如下问题:How many meals a day do Chinese people usually he?Do you think it is always like that? Why do people usually he the fourth or even fifth meal? Is the food for additional meals the same as those regular meals? What do they usually he for their fourth or fifth meals? Can you name some of the snacks you them is China or in Western countries?


现代教学论强调的是:creative,要求的是培养创造性的学生,为了让学生既能拓宽思路,又能以最佳状态进入课文的学习,所以问题应该具有新意,贴近生活实际,又与课文休戚相关。例如,在学习Inventions时,教师可说:Maybe some students came to school by bike this Morning.But I wonder whether someone of you has a bike stolen or has such experience of being difficult to find room for parking the bike.(The students’ replies would be different, but there must be someone who has such experiences.)Yes, It’s really a problem. But here I’d like you to imagine this . If there was a new invention that would be named inflatable bicycles, what do you think it would look like and how convenient it would be?


如果课文有较强的故事情节,则让一组学生以课文剧的形式在讲解课文以前进行表演。如,在学习The Merchant of Venice时,在课前了解到很多学生通过平常的语文阅读,已了解了戏剧的大致内容,而且在上一节课Listening 中也对该剧的人物角色和剧情有了简介。所以,在课前安排学生根据自己的理解,用简单的语言加上适当的面部表情和肢体语言将该剧表演出来,以使学生在快乐、轻松的气氛中更深地体会这一部杰出戏剧深刻而又跨时代的思想意义。


教师在课前根据课文内容准备一些实物、视听媒体,给学生提供感性认识和思维的依据,使抽象的概念具体化,师生双方都有话可谈。例如,Earthquakes属科普类文章,学生对有些概念,尤其是板块的概念不甚了解。此时教师可准备一个桔子,检测定它为地球,然后剥开桔子皮来解释地球板块的构成。如,为了上好Charlie Chaplin一课,在条件允许的情况下教师先放映一些卓别林早期的幽默无声电影,使学生在阵阵大笑后获得对卓别林的初步认识,然后再转入正题,可谓水到渠成。又如,在上English Programmes这一课时,我充分利用收音机和录音机,选择性地转录了BBC英语节目。学生听某些片段后教师问:Do you find listening BBC English programmes really hard?学生会回答:Yes.教师接着说:Well, you need lots of practice. The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.这样自然地进入了文章的主题。


如,在上Albert Einstein前,我讲了一个故事:Once a man was talking with a group of young student. When he was asked to explain the theory of relativity, he iled and then said.“If you sit with a pretty girl for two hours,it feels like only a minute. But if you sit by a hot stove for a minute in summer,it feels like two hours.That is relativity.”然后问学生一个问题:“Who do you think this man was?”学生必然回答是:“Einstein.”接着我便把话题转向课文。
适当了解一些成语、谚语有助于了解西方的风土人情。如,学习Healthy Eating时,可以采用成语、谚语导入的方法。例如,
T:Do you want to be strong and healthy?
Ss:Yes, of course.
T:Do you know the saying“An apple a day keeps the doctor a way”?
Ss:Not sure.
T:All right. I will explain it to you.This saying means if you want to be healthy, it’s better to eat some fruit everyday,because fruit is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.
Ss:Is fruit a healthy diet?
T:Yes.Our Chinese people often eat fruit and vegetables but the westerners don’t. Now, which diet is more healthy, the Chinese diet or the western diet?
Ss:The Chinese diet,of course.
从一些贴近高中生实际生活的话题入手,使每一个学生都有话可说,不失为导入课文的一种好形式。教师可以由饮食谈Healthy eating,由音乐谈Country music,由体育谈sports,有时可借助于国内外政治、生活中的大事,作为引入课文的又一话题。


(作者单位 广东省惠州市第三中学)


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