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摘 要:为了求得非线性方程组所有精确解,根据元胞自动机的特点构造了求解非线性方程组的全局收敛算法。在该算法中,将非线性方程组解的理论搜索空间划分为离散搜索空间,将离散搜索空间定义为元胞空间;离散搜索空间的每个点就是一个元胞,而一个元胞对应着非线性方程组的一个试探解;元胞的状态由其空间位置及位置修正量构成。将元胞空间划分为若干个非空子集,所有元胞的状态从一个非空子集转移到另一个非空子集的状态演化过程实现了元胞空间对理论搜索空间的搜索。在元胞状态演化过程中,元胞从一个状态转移到另一个状态的状态转移概率可以计算出来;元胞演化过程中的每个状态对应于有限Markov链上的一个状态。利用可归约随机矩阵的稳定性条件证明了该算法具有全局收敛性。仿真实例表明该算法是高效的。
Cellular automata method for solving nonlinear systems of
equations and its global convergence proof
LU Qiu-qin*, YANG Shao-min, HUANG Guang-qiu
School of Management, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an Shaanxi 710055, China
To get all the accurate solutions to Nonlinear Systems of Equations (NSE), the algorithm with global convergence was constructed for solving NSE based on the characteristics of Cellular Automata (CA). In the algorithm, the theoretical search space of NSE was d


ivided into the discrete space, the discrete space was defined as the cellular space; each point in the discrete space was a cell in the cellular space, and each cell was a trial solution of NSE; a cellular state consisted of position and increment of position. The cellular space was divided into many nonempty subsets, and states evolution of all cells from one nonempty subset to another realized the search of the cellular space on the theoretical search space. During evolution process of all cells, each cells transition probability from one position to any another position could be simply calculated; each state of cells during evolution corresponded to a state of a finite Markov chain. The stability condition of a reducible stochastic matrix was used to prove the global convergence of the algorithm. The case study shows that the algorithm is efficient.
英文关键词 Key words:
Nonlinear System of Equation (NSE); Cellular Automata (CA); global convergence
0 引言
元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,CA)模型[7]自1951年冯·诺伊曼提出以来,得到了广泛关注,对CA算法的研究与应用已经渗透到多个应用领域[8]。由于非线性方程组的求解过程是一个不断进行简单重复迭代的过程,而CA作为一种数学上离散的模型系统,用于自组织系统演变过程的研究具有天然的优势。因此,将CA用于非线性方程组的求解是可行的。作为一种新型的求解非线性方程组的算法,CA一方面具有对非线性方程组解的初值和求解参数选择不敏感、不需要非线性方程可微、求解算法鲁棒性强和易实现等诸多优点;另一方面,本文已证明CA用于非线性方程组的求解具有全局收敛性,这是很多进化算法无法拥有的优点。因此,本文提出的基于CA的非线性方程组求解算法,无论非线性方程组的初值、求解过程参数如何选择,均可在理论上确保求解过程收敛到非线性方程组的所有精确解上。

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