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摘要: 供热分户计量是一种按流量收取取暖费的供热方式,供热量通过读取用户热表参数确定。在供热管理信息系统中,供热分户计量的管理是极为重要的组成模块。文章介绍了供热分户计量信息化管理系统的设计思路与实现方法。
关键词: 分户计量; 供热; Web; 管理系统
Design and implementation of household heating measurement and information management system
Song Wenjin
(Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Chengde Petroleum College, Chengde, Hebei 067000, China)
Abstract: Household heating measurement is a way of charging heating fee according to quantity of heat flow and the quantity is determined through reading user’s meter. In the management system of heating information, household heating measurement plays an important role. The design ideas and implementation methods are


described in this paper.
Key words: household heating measurement; heating; Web; management system

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