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摘要:真人秀节目是以电视媒体为介质来举办某一类别的比赛活动,最终获胜的参赛者可以获得丰厚的奖励。近年来,这种新颖的电视节目吸引了亿万观众且在东西方荧屏上获得了巨大成功。《学徒》又名《飞黄腾达》是一个求职类真人秀电视节目,每季选择14位来自美国各地的精英们竞逐一份年薪25万美元的工作。每一季做后的获胜的求职者将成为美国著名地产大王Donald Trump的徒弟,为Trump集团效力。本论文以语言学角度,用Sacks, Schegloff和Jefferson提出的话轮转换机制为论述基础探讨《学徒》中面试官和面试者在会议室中对话中的话轮转换对策的利用情况。本论文主要有三个探讨不足:一,浅析《学徒》中话轮转换特点;二,探讨面试官和面试者在话轮转换对策利用上的差别性;三,浅析导致其差别性的理由特别是权势联系是如何影响其差别性的。在探讨浅析历程中运用了定量浅析和定性浅析相结合的策略。定量浅析体现在用excel软件计算出求职者和面试官话轮转换对策的利用频率,用卡方检验计算出求职者和面试官在话轮转换对策利用上是否有着差别性。通过对面试官提问类型的频率浅析权势联系是如何影响面试官和面试者在利用话轮转换对策的利用。定性探讨体现在文中对每个不足都进行了案例浅析。探讨结果表明:在求职类真人秀电视节目中说话者采取了把持话轮,出让话轮和索取话轮对策。三种对策分布差别不大,这一数据有别于其他探讨者的探讨结果。面试官和面试者在话轮转换对策选择上有着显著性差别,面试官经常夺取话轮和出让话轮,而面试者多利用把持话轮对策。权势联系是导致面试官和面试者话轮转换对策有着差别的重要因素之一。关键词:话轮转换论文真人秀节目论文权势联系论文求职论文




    List of Tables10-11

    List of Figures11-12

    Chapter 1 Introduction12-16

    1.1 Research background12-13

    1.2 Brief introduction of reapty TV show13-14

    1.3 Significance of the research14-15

    1.4 Outpne of the thesis15-16

    Chapter 2 Literature Review16-28

    2.1 Previous studies on turn-taking16-19

    2.1.1 Definitions of turn16-17

    2.1.2 Definition of turn-taking17

    2.1.3 Turn-taking mechani17-18

    2.1.4 Turn allocation and turn-taking rules18-19

    2.1.5 Turn-taking strategies19

    2.2 Previous studies on turn-taking in discourses19-22

    2.3 Previous researches on turn-taking22

    2.4 Previous studies on job interview22-24

    2.5 Power relation24-27

    2.5.1 Previous study on critical discourse analysis approach25-26

    2.5.2 Conversation analysis approach26

    2.5.3 Sociopnguistic approach26-27

    2.6 Summary27-28

    Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Design28-36

    3.1 Theoretical framework28-30

    3.1.1 Sacks et al’s classification of turn-taking strategies28

    3.1.2 Richard’s classification of turn-taking strategies28-29

    3.1.3 Turn-taking and power relation29

    3.1.4 Analytical framework of the present study29-30

    3.2 Corpus of the research30

    3.3 Research method30-32

    3.3.1 Quaptative methods31-32

    3.3.2 Quantitative method32

    3.4 Research procedures32-33

    3.5 Research data33-35

    3.6 Research questions35-36

    Chapter 4 Research Analysis36-66

    4.1 Components of Turn-construction36-39

    4.1.1 Turn is constituted of a word37-38

    4.1.2 Turn is composed of a clause38

    4.1.3 Turn is consisted of a simple sentence38-39

    4.1.4 Turn is composed of groups of sentences39

    4.2 Turn-taking strategies39-52

    4.2.1 Starting a turn40-42

    4.2.2 Turn-yielding42-45

    4.2.3 Turn-holding45-49

    4.2.4 Turn-claiming49-52

    4.2.5 Closing a turn52

    4.3 Differences use of turn-taking strategies between IRs and IEs52-56

    4.4 The apppcation of power relation in turn-taking interaction56-65

    4.4.1 Opening, closing turns and power relation58-59

    4.4.2 Turn allocation and power relation59

    4.4.3 Topic shift and power relation59-61

    4.4.4 Questions and power relation61-65

    4.5 Summary65-66

    Chapter 5 Conclusion66-70

    5.1 Major findings66-68

    5.2 Imppcations of the research68-69

    5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research69-70




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