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摘 要:术语是具备强大表意功能的技术性字词,其含义很大上取决于所使用的语境及语义范围。预审术语自清末传入我国之后,其符号形式沿用,但含义发生了多次重大转变。我国法学界使用预审术语不够规范统一,对预审也存在多元理解界定。现象不仅限制、削弱了术语的生命力和的解释力,也对深入理解及完善我国现行预审制度造成一定阻碍,值得加以关注和思考。



An Analysis of the Usage of the Term “Preliminary Examination” in China’s Criminal Procedural Law Studies

LI Xin

(Chinese People 's Public Security University, Beijing 100038,China)

Abstract:Terms are functional words that express specific and prescriptive meaning, which depends on what kind the context it is used in and semantics range. Though the form of “preliminary examination” has been in use since the late Qing Dynasty, its meaning has been changed significantly. At present, there are many conflicts on the usage of “preliminary examination” in China’s academic studies. Thess conflicts also indicate that there are different understandings or definitions on the connotation of the term, which will not only affect people's proper understanding of the nature and characteristics of the term, but also severely limit the explanatory power of the legal concept.

Key words: preliminary examination;preparatory hearing;preliminary hearing;committal for trial


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