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【摘要】 目的:研究老年高血压患者踝肱指数与尾加压素Ⅱ(UⅡ)的相关性,进一步探讨UⅡ与动脉粥样硬化的关系。方法:采用放免法测定130例老年高血压患者及72例健康老年人血浆UⅡ浓度,并分别测量踝肱指数(ankle brachial index,ABI),再根据ABI严重程度将高血压患者分为ABI0、ABI1、ABI2三组。结合UⅡ水平、踝肱指数对各组进行比较分析。结果:与健康组比较,高血压患者踝肱指数明显降低,而血浆UⅡ水平明显升高 (P<0.01);高血压患者血浆UⅡ水平与ABI呈明显负相关,高血压三组UⅡ水平组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:老年高血压患者的踝肱指数与血浆UⅡ水平呈负相关,提示UⅡ浓度与动脉粥样硬化密切相关。
【关键词】 高血压; 动脉粥样硬化; 尾加压素Ⅱ; 踝肱指数
The Relationship of Ankle-brachial Index and Urotensin Ⅱ in Elderly Patients with Hypertension/CHEN Wei-quan.//Medical Innovation of China,2013,10(14):137-138
【Abstract】 Objective:To study the relationship of ankle-brachial index and urotensin Ⅱ (U Ⅱ)in elderly patients with hypertension, to explore the relationship of U Ⅱ and atherosclerosis. Method:To enroll 130 cases of elderly patients with hypertension and 72 healthy elderly,the plaa U Ⅱ concentration and the ankle-brachial index (ankle brachial index, ABI) was measured by radioimmunoassay in all cases.According to the severity of the ABI,the hypertensive patients were divided into ABI0 /ABI1/ ABI2 three groups. At last, a comprehensive analysis of U Ⅱ level, ankle-brachial index, in each group was deployed.Result:Compared with the healthy individuals, the ankle-brachial index in hypertensive patients was significantly reduced, in contrast the plaa U Ⅱ levels were significantly increased (P<0.01).The plaa U Ⅱ level was negatively related to the ABI in hypertensive patients.The difference of U Ⅱ level in three hypertensive groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:ABI in elderly hypertensive patients is negatively related with the plaa U Ⅱ level and the concentration of U Ⅱ is closely related to the Atherosclerosis.
【Key words】 Hypertension; Artery atherosclerosis; Urotensin Ⅱ; Ankle-brachial index
First-author’s address:Luoding People’s Hospital, Luoding 527200,China


动脉粥样硬化(AS)是多种因素引起的一种连续性、全身性疾病,是心脑血管疾病的致病基础,其中高血压病是其独立危险因素。研究发现,ABI可作为反映动脉硬化的敏感特异性指标之一 。尾加压素II(UII)是迄今发现的最强的缩血管活性物质,研究表明,UII参与了高血压的发病过程,且与多种心血管疾病的发生发展密切相关。本研究对老年高血压患者计算踝肱指数(ankle brachial index,ABI)及检测血浆UII水平,探讨UII水平与老年高血压患者动脉硬化的相关性。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 130例老年高血压患者均来自本院2009年2月-2012年3月心内科住院的患者,均符合2005 年《中国高血压防治指南》制定的高血压诊断标准。其中男78例,女52例,年龄60~83岁,平均(66.52±10.83)岁。所有患者排除恶性肿瘤、糖尿病、痛风、肝、肾功能不全、感染性疾病及继发性高血压、精神疾病。选择在本院体检的72例健康老年人为健康对照组,其中男43例,女29例,



1.2 方法

1.2.1 标本的采集与检测 所有研究对象于空腹采静脉血6 ml,全血离心后分离血浆置于-80 ℃低温保存待测。血浆UII采用放免法测定(标准品由美国Phoenix Pharmaceutical Inc 提供,上海博华商贸有限公司提供放免试剂盒),标本检测严格按照试剂盒的要求进行操作。


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