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摘要:“A而不B”是现代汉语中的一种常见的构式。近几年来, A而不B格式受到了越来越多的学者的青睐,但是他们大多数是基于其句法和语义特点进行探讨,却很少有人探讨A而不B构式的深层语义形成机制。虽然有个别学者对“A而不B”构式的语义形成历程进行了简单探讨,但还是没有真正深入浅析其认知机制,更不用说有语料数据支撑。本探讨基于其不足之处,提出CIB认知浅析方式,即构式压制论述(ConstructionCoercion Theory)、意象图示论述(Image Schema Theory)和概念整合论述(ConceptualBlending Theory)结合起来。同时还对互联网、 CNKI、人民日报、字典等进行了穷尽搜索,共得610条A而不B结构的四字词语,对其用CIB做定量定性探讨。本论文共分5章。第一章“基本介绍”,包括本论文选题理据、探讨范围和目的、浅析策略、语料收集和文章结构。第二章“文献综述”,回顾了众多学者以语文学、语用学、认知语言学方面对“A而不B”构式所进行的探讨,并指出这些探讨有着的不足。第三章“论述框架”,首先介绍了构式压制论述(Construction Coercion Theory),意象图示论述(Image Schema Theory)和概念整合论述(Conceptual Blending Theory)三种论述。其次,浅析了各自优势与有着的不足,并讨论了三者整合的可行性,最后构建了CIB方式。第四章“CIB方式的运用”,首先介绍“A而不B”短语的分类;其次运用CIB认知方式,以AB或者BA是否是合成词这两类浅析A而不B的认知机制,以而证明此方式诠释“A而不B”构式的有效性和可行性。第五章“结语”,总结通过全文浅析得出的结论以及一些缺陷和倡议。关键词:A而不B论文压制构式论文意象图示论文概念整合论文CIB方式论文




    Chapter One Introduction12-15

    1.1 Motivation and Scope of the Study12

    1.2 Purpose of the Study12-13

    1.3 Methodology and Data Collection13

    1.4 Layout of the Thesis13-15

    Chapter Two Literature Review15-27

    2.1 Introduction15

    2.2 Previous Studies15-25

    2.2.1 Philological studies15-20

    2.2.2 Pragmatic studies20-21

    2.2.3 Cognitive Studies21-25

    2.3 Discussions of Previous Studies25-26

    2.4 Summary26-27

    Chapter Three Theoretical Framework27-47

    3.1 Introduction27

    3.2 Construction Coercion Theory27-31

    3.2.1 A Brief Introduction to CCT27-30

    3.2.2 The Strengths and Limitations of CCT30-31

    3.3 Image Schema Theory31-37

    3.3.1 A Brief Introduction to IST31-36

    3.3.2 The Strengths and Limitations of IST36-37

    3.4 Conceptual Blending Theory37-42

    3.4.1 A Brief Introduction to CBT37-40

    3.4.2 The Strength and Limitations of CBT40-42

    3.5 The Feasibipty of the Integration of CCT, IST and CBT42-43

    3.6 A Brife Description of the CIB Model43-45

    3.7 Summary45-47

    Chapter Four Apppcation of the CIB Model to Analysis of the A erbu B Construction47-63

    4.1 Introduction47

    4.2 The Classification of A erbu B Expressions47-48

    4.3 CIB Approach to the A erbu B Expressions48-62

    4.3.1 Analysis of A erbu B Expressions in Which AB or BA is Compound Word50-56

    4.3.2 Analysis of A erbu B Expressions in Which AB or BA is not Compound Word56-62

    4.4 Summary62-63

    Chapter Five Conclusion63-66

    5.1 Summary of the Study63-64

    5.2 Major Findings of the Study64-65

    5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies65-66


    Appendix :The Data of A erbu B Expressions70-85

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