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摘要:隐喻出现在语言之中,是一种语言现象和认知现象,更是我们生活和经验的一种映射方式,影响着我们对世界的认知。随着认知语言学的进展,语言学家认为,隐喻,作为一种跨域映射方式,其实是一种思维方式,也是一种认知工具,它意味着我们用熟悉的或者具体的概念去解释不熟悉的或者抽象的概念。由此,对于隐喻的探讨显得尤为重要。1980年,《我们赖以存活的隐喻》问世,这标志着隐喻的探讨迈向了一个新的阶段。在这本著作里,作者Lakoff and Johnson提出概念隐喻,他认为隐喻的实质就是认知的历程。本论文以认知语言学的论述为基础,浅析了黑人女性作家莫里森作品《最蓝的眼睛》中的概念隐喻。全文将以认知的角度来阐明文中出现的概念隐喻现象,并浅析这些概念隐喻在文中的运用。文章将主要以概念隐喻的三大类(结构隐喻、方位隐喻和本体隐喻)入手,旨在通过浅析,帮助人们对小说中的概念隐喻有更为深刻的理解。本论文首先以认知的角度介绍概念隐喻的定义及作用。然后,主要浅析了概念隐喻及其认知功能在小说中的体现和运用。之后,浅析了跨域映射在文章中的利用。最后得出结论:1.概念隐喻不仅仅是一种语言现象,也是人类思维的一种基本方式。概念隐喻在文学作品中也起着重要作用。通过以认知角度对作品中的概念隐喻进行浅析,可帮助人们更加深刻的认识到,概念隐喻不仅仅有助于人们了解到小说的主题及其语言特点,而且还有助于人们理解它更是一种人类赖以存活的认知方式。2.《最蓝的眼睛》小说本身就贯穿着概念隐喻。小说运用概念隐喻解构白人价值观,重新构建了黑人的历史和文化价值,展示了黑人过去和现在所遭受的歧视与不平等待遇。本论文还有一些不足之处有待日后进一步改正改善。比如,语料的不完整性,浅析的局限性等。倡议以后的探讨可以以更为科学的视角出发以而更加扩宽视野,在更加系统性的论述框架下,对该小说以及概念隐喻进行更为深刻全面的探讨。关键词:概念隐喻论文认知语言学论文《最蓝的眼睛》论文跨域映射论文




    Chapter One Introduction11-14

    1.1 Purpose and significance of the thesis11-12

    1.2 Research methodology12

    1.3 Organization of the thesis12-14

    Chapter Two Literature Review14-23

    2.1 Studies on metaphor14-19

    2.1.1 The substitution theory14-16

    2.1.2 The comparison theory16-17

    2.1.3 The interaction theory17-18

    2.1.4 The mapping theory18-19

    2.1.5 The conceptual blending theory19

    2.2 Studies on conceptual metaphor19-23

    2.2.1 Studies abroad19-20

    2.2.2 Studies in China20-21

    2.2.3 Previous research of The Bluest Eye21-23

    Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation23-29

    3.1 Definition of conceptual metaphor23

    3.2 Classification of conceptual metaphor23-26

    3.2.1 Structural metaphors23-24

    3.2.2 Orientational metaphors24-25

    3.2.3 Ontological metaphors25-26

    3.3 Cognition functions of conceptual metaphor26-29

    3.3.1 Cognition performance of conceptual metaphor26-27

    3.3.2Cognition function of conceptual metaphor27-28

    3.3.3 Relationship between cognitive and conceptual metaphor28-29

    Chapter Four The Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in The Bluest Eye29-56

    4.1 Toni Morrison and The Bluest Eye29-32

    4.2 Structural metaphors appped in The Bluest Eye and its cognitive function32-41

    4.2.1 The analysis of nature in The Bluest Eye from the view of structural metaphors32-36

    4.2.2 The analysis of food in The Bluest Eye from the view of structural metaphors36-38

    4.2.3 The analysis of hand in The Bluest Eye from the view of structural metaphors38-41

    4.3 Orientational metaphors appped in The Bluest Eye and its cognitive function41-43

    4.3.1 Orientational metaphors and its cognitive function41-42

    4.3.2 Features of orientational metaphors and their cognitive function42-43

    4.4 Ontological metaphors appped in The Bluest Eye43-50

    4.4.1 Substance metaphors and its cognitive functions43-46

    4.4.2 Container metaphor and its cognitive functions46-48

    4.4.3 Personification metaphors and its cognitive functions48-50

    4.5 Overlapping among structural metaphors, orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors50-52

    4.6 Cross-domain mapping analysis of conceptual metaphor in The Bluest Eye52-56

    4.6.1 Cross-domain mapping of the structural metaphor52-53

    4.6.2 Cross-domain mapping of the orientational metaphor53-54

    4.6.3 Cross-domain mapping of the ontological metaphor54-56

    Chapter Five Conclusion56-59

    5.1 Major findings of the thesis56-57

    5.2 Limitations of the thesis and suggestions for further study57-59



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