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摘要: 为探讨购写股票人数变化和购写股票人均额变化两因素对股票销售偏差率的影响,本文作者在概率统计知识的基础上,采用现场调查研究、数据统计等方法,通过计算机仿真模拟,得出购写股票人均额变化对


Abstract: To change the number of purchased stock and purchase stock per capita amount changes two factors on stock sales rate of deviation, the author of this article in probability and statistics on the basis of knowledge, the use of field research, statistics, etc, through computer simulation, come to buy shares per capita amount changes on stock sales greater variation in rate.
关键词: 概率统计分布;股票管理;分析
Key words: probability distribution;tinystocks stock manager;analysis

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