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摘要:权威媒体是人们获取信息的主要渠道之一,社会利益或权利集团正是通过利用权威媒体新闻报道这一特性来左右大众的意识形态和观点立场。各个代表媒体对全球气候变化这一焦点新闻的立场和形象体现在对此议题的报道中。本论文试图挖掘隐含在《中国日报》和《纽约时报》报道中的意识形态,同时探讨形成两媒体不同报道焦点和报道对策的支配动因。本论文结合Halpday的元语言功能论述和Martin的评价论述,尝试回答以下不足:1.《中国日报》和《纽约时报》对全球气候变化大会这一议题报道所利用的语言对策有哪些?2.两媒体对全球气候变化议题报道背后所隐藏的中美两个政府的意识形态各是什么?3.除了相同报道对策,两媒体是否有不同的报道着重点?若有,有哪些?本论文对中美两国的代表媒体《中国日报》和《纽约时报》关于全球气候变化大会商议的报道进行了批评性比较浅析。首先自建两个语料库一和二,通过利用辅助软件CorporaAntConc和WordSmith Tools13.0来检测两个语料库,然后浅析相关检测结果。通过浅析,本论文发现两媒体对同一议题的报道在概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能层面既有相同之处也有不同之处。在大会期间,两者都通过利用不同的语言对策和篇章安排来构建各自的国家形象,尤其是环境形象;各自的意识形态都隐含在对此议题报道的观点立场中—为争夺利益两媒体时而明确时而隐含的划分你我。本论文还发现,对气候会议这一事件两媒体选择不同的角度来报道焦点新闻。新闻报道是充满作用和利益的文本,由此进行批评性的探讨既必要又重要。本探讨可以帮助读者建立和提升批判性思维意识,使读者对新闻文本里隐含的意识形态和政治立场有更深入的理解和了解。关键词:批评性话语浅析论文意识形态论文形象构建论文《中国日报》论文《纽约时报》论文




    Chapter 1 Introduction14-19

    1.1 Research Background14-16

    1.2 Research Significance16-18

    1.2.1 Theoretical Significance16-17

    1.2.2 Practical Significance17-18

    1.3 Layout of the paper18-19

    Chapter 2 Literature Review19-31

    2.1 A Brief Introduction to CDA19-23

    2.1.1 The Development of CDA from Critical Linguistics20

    2.1.2 The Philosophical Foundations of CDA20-21

    2.1.3 The Interdiscippnary Features of CDA21-22

    2.1.4 Research Areas and Topics of CDA22-23

    2.2 CDA and News Discourse23-26

    2.2.1 News Discourse23-25

    2.2.2 The Operation Procedures of New Discourse25-26

    2.2.3 The Relationship of CDA and News Discourse26

    2.3 Studies of News Discourse Abroad and at Home fromCritical Perspective26-29

    2.3.1 Studies at Abroad26-28

    2.3.2 Studies at Home28-29

    2.4 Imppcation from the Literature Review29-31

    Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework31-41

    3.1 Socio-cognitive Approach31-35

    3.1.1 The Explanations of Related Terms in Socio-cognitive Approach32-34

    3.1.2 The Layers of Socio-cognitive Approach34-35

    3.2 The Systematic Functional Linguistic35-37

    3.2.1 The Connected Relationship between the L and CDA35-36

    3.2.2 Brief Introduction to Halpday’s Metafunctions of Language36-37

    3.3 The Appraisal Theory37-41

    3.3.1 The Development of Appraisal Theory37-39

    3.3.2 The Complementary Function of Appraisal Theory to L39-41

    Chapter 4 Research Methodology41-46

    4.1 Research Questions41-42

    4.2 Specific Methods in Doing This Research42-43

    4.3 Sample Selection and Collection43-46

    4.3.1 The Choice of Target Media43

    4.3.2 The Choice of the Topi3-44

    4.3.3 The Choice of the Conferences44-45

    4.3.4 The Build of the Analysis Corpora45-46

    Chapter 5 Data Analysis46-68

    5.1 Ideational Function46-53

    5.1.1 The Imppcit Division of “Us” and “Them”46-49

    5.1.2 The typical usage of pronouns “us” and “them”49-51

    5.1.3 Summary of the Usage of Pronouns51-53

    5.2 Interpersonal Function53-63

    5.2.1 The Apppcation of Modapty Words54-55

    5.2.2 Modapzation and Modulation55-59

    5.2.3 Quotations in the News Texts59-61

    5.2.4 The Lexical Choice Made in the News Texts61-63

    5.3 Textual Function63-68

    5.3.1 Foci of News Titles and Leads of the Two Corpora63-66

    5.3.2 Comparison of the News foci of in the Two Corpora66-67

    5.3.3 Summary67-68

    Chapter 6 Results and Discussions68-76

    6.1 Similarities in Language Strategies and Ideology Hidden Methods68-72

    6.1.1 Critique of Ideology69-70

    6.1.2 Dimensions of Hegemony and Power70

    6.1.3 The struggle between various interests70-72

    6.2 The Divergences behind Consensus72-76

    6.2.1 Different Text Wording Strategies73-74

    6.2.2. Different Focus of the Reports on the Same Topic74

    6.2.3. Summary74-76

    Chapter 7 Conclusion76-79

    7.1 Major Findings of the Thesis76-77

    7.2. Recommendations for Future Research77-79




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