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收藏本文 2024-01-28 点赞:4152 浏览:12852 作者:网友投稿原创标记本站原创



Abstract:Objective: To investigate pregnant pregnant hypertension syndrome nursing intervention methods and effects. Methods: 126 cases of hospital pregnant pregnant hypertension were randomly divided into control group and intervention group, nursing intervention, observed and recorded intervention results were analyzed and compared. Results: After a patient and meticulous surgery and nursing intervention, the symptoms are different degrees of improvement. Which mild patients he been improved, only eight cases of critically ill patients need to continue to be hospitalized for observatio


n. Overall treatment effect, the total symptom improvement rate was 9524% in the control group symptoms improved rate of 82.54%. Conclusion: Through targeted nursing interventions can significantly improve patients’ physical and mental condition, worthy of promotion.
Key words:pregnant pregnant; hypertension; syndrome; nursing intervention

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