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摘要:文学翻译在跨文化交际中起着重要的作用。由于不同的文学翻译目的,译者往往采取不同的翻译对策和策略,翻译目的是翻译中探讨的一个很重要的因素。在二十世纪七十年代,汉斯·威米尔(Hans Vermeer)提出翻译目的论。目的论(Skopostheorie)在两个方面对翻译有较大的贡献:一是译文的充分性,二是强调译者的主体性。翻译的目的有时来自客户的需求,赞助商的要求,或者译者的意愿。归化和异化是两种相反和互补的翻译对策。归化和异化的讨论成为了国内外相关领域的翻译论述家和学者讨论的热点话题一。归化在翻译界长期占据着统治地位,异化是德国学者施莱尔马赫(Schleiermacher)在1813年提出的。在此基础之上,美国翻译论述家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在其著作《译者的隐身——一部翻译史》中,倡导异化翻译,以此提升译者的地位和提升少数民族的文化的地位。归化是以目标语言文化为归宿,异化是以源语言文化为归宿。归化和异化是互补的翻译对策。本论文以目的论的角度看《红楼梦》两英译本的翻译对策。作者将对红楼梦的两英译本在物质、社会、宗教、生态和语言五个方面文化负载词的翻译进行比较。以比较中发现,杨宪益的翻译更多采取异化翻译来处理带有浓厚色彩的中国传统文化的词语和句子。他的译本更多地传递了中国的传统文化。霍克斯更多采取归化翻译来处理那些带有中国传统文化的词语和句子。对于西方读者来说,霍克斯的译本更通俗易懂,但以中不能欣赏更多的中国传统文化。关键词:目的论论文翻译对策论文归化论文异化论文




    Chapter One Skopostheorie and Its Effects on Translation14-23

    1.1 An Introduction to Skopostheorie14-15

    1.2 Basic Rules of Skopostheorie15-17

    1.2.1 The Skopos Rule16

    1.2.2 The Coherence Rule16-17

    1.2.3 The Fidepty Rule17

    1.3 The Effects of Skopostheorie on Translation17-21

    1.3.1 The Importance of Adequacy18-19

    1.3.2 The Status of Translator19-21

    1.4 Skopostheorie as a New Perspective for Solving Disputes21-23

    Chapter Two Discussion on Domestication and Foreignization23-37

    2.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization23-28

    2.1.1 Relationship of Domestication and Foreignization23-25

    2.1.2 Resistant Translation of Venuti25-27

    2.1.3 The Function of Foreignization in Literary Translation27-28

    2.2 The Necessities of Choosing Domestication28-33

    2.2.1 Common Readers of the Target Language30-31

    2.2.2 Commercial Profits of the pubpsher31-33

    2.3 The Necessities of Choosing Foreignization33-37

    2.3.1 The Importance of non-Engpsh Culture34-35

    2.3.2 The Great Cultural Gap between Engpsh Speaking Countries and China35-37

    Chapter Three A Contrastive Study on Translation Strategies of Two Engpsh Versions of Hong Lou Meng37-67

    3.1 A Concise Introduction to Hong Lou Meng and its Two Engpsh Versions37-41

    3.2 The Apppcation of Domestication and Foreignization in Two Engpsh Version from the Perspective of Skopostheorie41-67

    3.2.1 The Translation of Material Culture-loaded Words42-49

    3.2.2 The Translation of Social Culture-loaded Words49-51

    3.2.3 The Translation of Repgious Culture-loaded Words51-56

    3.2.4 The Translation of Ecological Culture-loaded Words56-62

    3.2.5 The Translation of Linguistic Culture-loaded Words62-67




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