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以SEFC Book 3 Unit 1 “Festivals around the World”中的Warming-up and Listening为例。


Activity 1:Collecting information about the names of festivals in the world.
Activity 2:Sharing the festivals.
Activity 3:Listening and reporting. (1)Present three pictures about Mahatma Gandhi, Ramadan and Easter and let Ss guess the names of the festivals according to what they see in the pictures. (2)Play the tape about festivals. (3)While listening, try to take notes and get more information about the festival. (4)Ask Ss to describe one of the festivals in their own words according to what they heard just now and the information on the text book.

(二)While-task Research work

Activity 1: Discussion. (1)The group discuss the differences betw


een Chinese culture and the culture in another country by comparing one of Chinese festival and one festival in another country. (2)After discussion they must draw a conclusion.
Activity 2: Interview. (1)Design several questions about the differences between the Chinese festival and the festival in another country. (2)One of the students in each group goes to other groups to he an interview. (3)After interviewing and comparing the conclusion each group made at first with the information from other groups, each group must draw a conclusion again.
(三)Post-task: Wall-newspaper about the festivals.


1. 听。网上有难易不同的听力材料可供学生选择,如快、慢速美国之音,是地道的美式英语,而且内容贴近最新的新闻时事。ESL Lab提供不同难度的练习,可以先只听录音做题,做完后电脑马上给出分数,然后再看材料,听录音,检查错误。
2. 说。让学生把网上看到的有趣材料拿到班上交流,或就平时发生的事发表自己的看法。由于材料贴近生活,学生有话可说,能积极参与,有利于提高口语能力。
3. 读。网络提供了大量原汁原味、题材广泛的阅读材料。通过大量的阅读,学生不仅可以培养语感,同时也能了解世界各国的文化,拓宽视野,丰富生活阅历。
4. 写。可以布置学生用电脑制作电子贺卡或发送电子邮件等与教师进行交流,借此激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习的过程中发展综合运用语言能力。


责任编辑 魏文琦

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